
Why Vitamin B12 is Crucial for Vegans: An In-Depth Look

Vitamin B12 is a crucial nutrient for vegans as it is needed for proper nerve function and the production of DNA and red blood cells. Vegans are at a higher risk of deficiency due to limited food sources, making it important for them to consume fortified foods or supplements and regularly test their Vitamin B12 levels.


Going Vegan? Here’s What You Need to Know About Proper Supplementation

As veganism grows in popularity, it's important to understand the need for proper supplementation to maintain optimal health. In this article, we will explore the essential supplements including vitamin B12, D3, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, zinc, and iodine, that must be included in a vegan diet to ensure overall health and well-being. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine individual dietary needs for optimal health.