
The Dos and Don’ts of Receiving Oral Sex

Oral sex is a common sexual activity, but communication is key to ensure both partners are enjoying the experience. Giving clear instructions, practicing personal hygiene, and avoiding criticism are some of the dos, while being forceful and skipping foreplay are some of the don'ts. Safe sex practices, such as using protection and getting tested, are also important.


10 Surprising Facts About Oral Sex Everyone Should Know

Oral sex is a topic that is often taboo and rarely discussed openly, despite being a common sexual activity. However, there are many surprising facts about oral sex that everyone should know. In this article, we'll explore some of these facts, including the importance of communication, the health benefits of oral sex, and its historical and cultural significance.


Oral Sex and Hygiene: Tips for Staying Clean and Safe

Oral sex can be a fun and intimate experience, but it's important to prioritize hygiene to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections. This includes regular cleaning and care of the genital region, refraining from oral sex during outbreaks or infections, and communicating with partners about sexual health. Maintaining good oral hygiene habits and getting regular dental check-ups can also help ensure safe and enjoyable experiences.